National lists in elections

1. Parties Elections
National lists in elections - National lists in elections
1. Parties Elections

Zaidoon Alhadid

Zaidoon Alhadid is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

 In many political systems, national lists serve as an effective means of distributing seats in parliament based on voting percentages. This system enhances proportional representation of various parties and reflects political and social diversity.اضافة اعلان

The significance of national lists in electoral systems lies in providing opportunities for small and medium-sized parties to enter parliament if they achieve a certain percentage of votes, thereby promoting political pluralism. It enables parties to strategize the placement of their candidates based on priorities and expectations of success, reducing internal divisions. Compiling a national list requires internal cooperation among party members to determine priorities.

Therefore, a party must articulate a clear vision and strong message that reflects its values and political goals. This vision should inspire potential voters and build a distinct identity for the party through slogans, colors, and symbols that differentiate it from others and facilitate recognition by voters.

Moreover, what distinguishes parties from one another is the strong network that includes members, volunteers, supporters, and political and social partners. Achieving this requires organizing events and seminars, establishing good relations with the media, and participating in community activities.

Additionally, the party should focus on issues that matter to the public and align with its principles and detailed policy programs. These issues should be appealing to voters and impact their livelihoods and social lives.

Although I am not partisan, the experience of the mithaq party serves as an example. As a major party representing a significant segment in the political arena, it succeeded in finalizing its national list without notable internal crises. This success, in my personal belief, stems firstly from the party leadership's adept management of the electoral process, bridging diverse perspectives within the party. Early planning enabled the party to begin preparing its national list well in advance, allowing ample time for internal discussions and resolution of any conflicts that arose.

Furthermore, adopting the principle of open dialogue among members provided everyone the opportunity to express their opinions and suggestions. The party was transparent in its candidate selection process, establishing clear and public criteria while ensuring fair distribution of candidates from various regions and demographics within the party. This bolstered internal confidence and harmony.
As a result, the mithaq party managed to present a strong and cohesive national list, positively influencing its electoral performance. This process also strengthened party unity and showcased its organizational strength and readiness to face political challenges.

The experience of the mithaq party underscores the importance of careful planning and wise management in the success of any political party in producing a strong national list without internal crises. Therefore, the Covenant's model could serve as a guide for other parties on how to address internal challenges and achieve electoral success.