The Right Way to Eat Kiwi to Preserve Its Beneficial Properties

The Right Way to Eat Kiwi to Preserve Its Beneficial Properties
The Right Way to Eat Kiwi to Preserve Its Beneficial Properties
Dr. Andrei Bobrovski, a nutrition expert, points out that according to specialists, kiwi is one of the richest fruits in vitamins and polyphenols, with a strong antioxidant effect. So, when should you eat it and in what form?اضافة اعلان

According to him, to get the maximum benefit, kiwi should be eaten raw and fresh.

He says: "To preserve all the vitamins in the best way, we should eat everything raw and fresh, as all other cooking methods involving heat treatment or mechanical processing destroy many beneficial properties."

The expert also mentions that there is ongoing debate about the best time to consume kiwi. Some believe it is better to eat it in the first half of the day, while others are convinced that eating it at night is healthier.

He says: "Kiwi pairs well with other fruits and fruits, as well as protein-rich products, for example, with meats in some dishes. However, it is not recommended to combine kiwi with other products that have a strong sour taste, as the presence of two acids together is not ideal for digestion."

According to him, the fiber, micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals in kiwi have a beneficial effect on the body and help eliminate unnecessary substances from it.