Jordan Valley Authority takes winter precautions

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A bulldozer clears soil in a plot of land in the Jordan Valley. (Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — The Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) has begun maintenance and cleaning on dams, canyons and several other sites in the valley in preparation for the rainy season, JVA Secretary-General Manar Al-Mahasneh said. اضافة اعلان

She told Jordan News that “the authority’s cadres have begun taking appropriate actions through initiating maintenance and cleaning the exits of rainwater discharges, canyons and floods in the northern, central, and southern parts of the valley.”

The procedures are considered customary by the authority’s cadres, according to Mahasneh.

She noted that “the mechanisms seek to ensure the durability of the water facilities, preserve water storage, and ensure that the various sites are ready for all weather conditions expected in winter.”

Jordan Valley farmer Ali Al-Braizat told Jordan news that “maintenance is necessary, especially since the amount of silt present is at the expense of storage, so it is worth cleaning the dams, especially after droughts.”

“The dams suffer from certain problems,” he noted. “For example, Walah dam has problems regarding concrete and design, so about 3.5 million cubic meters of water have been discharged.”

“Famers have repeatedly called for the need to work on collecting water and cleaning and maintaining dams, especially since the agricultural situation will be complicated, if the upcoming rainy season is characterized by drought,” he said.

Adnan Khadam, head of the Jordan Valley Farmers Union, told Jordan News “we hope that the dams will be cleaned effectively, and that the Jordan Valley Authority’s preparations will be compatible with our need for repairs to receive the winter season.”

“Every meter of rainwater must be exploited so as not to waste it, especially after recent drought years, and the negative impact that bears on agriculture and farmers.”

Ibrahim Al-Sharif, Head of the Jordan Farmers’ Association, told Jordan News that “maintenance procedures were necessary and sound, but that they must be followed by the process of equipping places to collect and store rainwater.”

“Warehouses or earth drilling must be located at each valley since they support groundwater and contribute to the storage and utilization of such water without waste,” he said.

He voiced the need for a dam cleaning mechanism to eliminate silt that prevents water storage, so that dams can absorb rainwater in sufficient quantities.

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