Some workers in SSC-linked hotels face dismissal

SSC Jason
The Amman premises of the Social Security Corporation. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Some employees who worked for hotels affiliated with the Social Security Corporation (SSC) were subjected to arbitrary dismissal, said Khaled Abu Marjoub, who heads a syndicate of freelance workers.اضافة اعلان

The employees were contracted by hotels whose board of directors is chaired by the Minister of Labor, noted Abu Marjoub, president of the General Union of Workers in Public Services and Free Occupations.

He told Jordan News that he did not have an exact tally on the number of dismissed workers, “but we believe that it is our duty to protect any employee who is subjected to arbitrary dismissal, even if it was only one employee.”

An SSC source said “what is rumored about the dismissal of a number of employees at some hotels is not true at all.”

The source told Jordan News on condition of anonymity that “only two employees have been dismissed for certain reasons, which necessitated their dismissal.” The source declined to elaborate and no other details were immediately available.

Abu Marjoub said his syndicate called on “hotels, represented by the Ministry of Labor and the SSC, to abide by the provisions of the Labor Law by paying a minimum wage allowance of JD260, and paying the annual increases to all employees, equally and without prejudice.”

Additional disbursements include the rise in the cost of living allowance, which must be “paid to all employees in all hotels at a rate of JD50 per month, and work to improve the health insurance for other workers, so that it is at a high level and meets their needs”, he added.

Abu Marjoub noted that “we also demand that there be job security for employees, as some of them were appointed and dismissed after only three months.”

He said that a letter was sent to the Minister of Labor outlining some labor demands “because we know that what happened to the employees is contrary to the provisions of the Labor Law and the applicable defense orders.”

“The case has now turned into a labor dispute, which must go through certain phases, where, according to the law, arbitrary dismissal against any employee is currently prohibited,” he said.

“We hope that in the coming days we will be able to fulfill all the demands of the workers,” he added.

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