148,000 debtors are wanted for judicial implementation

2. Lower House
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Justice Ahmad Al-Ziyadat said that the number of those wanted for judicial implementation of court rulings had reached 148,000 on April 1, according to Jo24.اضافة اعلان

During his intervention at the Lower House Legal Committee to discuss the draft law amending the judicial implementation, Ziyadat said that the law aims to stop debtor imprisonment.

The Lower House had referred the amendments to its Legal Committee. Minister of State for Legal Affairs Wafa Bani Mustafa said that the amended law was seen by the government and sent to the Lower House on November 8, 2021.

The most important amendment to the law, she said, is that it stipulates that debtors who owe less than JD5,000, as well as their close relatives, should not be imprisoned.

Bani Mustafa said that there were consultations regarding the amendments to this law, as well as committees that met with multiple parties and all stakeholders.

“We are talking about more than 13 sectors that participated in multiple meetings,” Bani Mustafa said.

At the end of 2020, Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh announced the formation of a committee consisting of 16 people, representing all concerned parties, to review the provisions of the Implementation Law No. 25 of the year 2007, to resolve problematic issues in such a way as to preserve the creditor’s rights and take into account the debtor’s circumstances.

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