16 Patents Registered Since the Beginning of This Year

16 Patents Registered Since the Beginning of This Year
16 Patents Registered Since the Beginning of This Year
The number of patents registered in the first two months of this year reached 16 patents, one of which was local.

According to data from the Directorate of Industrial Property Protection at the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply, which was reviewed by the Jordan News Agency (Petra), the number of registered trademarks reached 718 by the end of February, while the total number of trademarks renewed during the same period was 1,074.اضافة اعلان

The Directorate renewed 94 patents, granted 5 industrial property usage licenses, allowed changes to the name and address of 204 industrial properties, and transferred ownership of 275 industrial properties.

The number of trademarks registered last year was 5,687, and the number of trademarks renewed was 6,245, while the number of patents registered was 111, 8 of which were local.

According to the law, a patent is: any creative idea developed by the inventor in any of the technical fields, relating to a product, a method of manufacture, or both, that solves a specific problem in any of these fields.

Patent registration refers to all procedures related to patent applications submitted to the office, starting from the stage where inventors are guided on how to submit the patent application until the final issuance of the patent certificate.

These procedures involve a series of technical and formal processes related to examining the application to ensure it meets all the conditions specified by law, as well as processes linked to patent applications that are carried out to meet the needs of third parties (the public, excluding applicants, agents, and inventors), such as publication in the official gazette or procedures for inspecting the registry.

As for the trademark, it is any visible sign used or intended to be used by any person to distinguish their goods, products, or services from the goods, products, or services of others. (Petra)