23,071 individuals visited mental health specialists in 2022, says expert

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Director of the National Center for Psychiatry, Khaled Al-Hadidi, said that the center received 2,481 patients, 1,725 men and 756 women who suffer from mental illness, during 2022, Al-Ghad News reported. اضافة اعلان

"The number of people who visited specialized (mental health) clinics since the start of 2022 reached 23,071, including 15,120 men and 7,951 women,” he added. 

The center, he said, is divided into two sections: judicial and non-judicial. The judicial section has a capacity of 142 beds, while the non-judicial section has 163 beds.

In regards to the judicial section, individuals convicted through a court judge are diagnosed and referred to the center for them to be diagnosed. The diagnosis also serves to prove if they are genuinely suffering from psychiatric illnesses or are attempting to escape conviction.

The center, said Hadidi, has a large team of doctors and specialists, in addition to five medical teams.

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