$3.4 billion in aid committed to Jordan since the start of the year

view of the Amman cityscape
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN – The value of foreign aid, including grants and concessional loans, committed to Jordan and signed amounted to approximately $3.438 billion since the beginning of the year. This assistance encompasses regular grants, concessional loans, and additional grants to support the response plan for the Syrian crisis. اضافة اعلان

According to the report from the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation reported by Al-Mamlaka TV, the committed aid to Jordan includes agreements signed with donor agencies and international financing institutions. These funds are transferred in installments to the budget and priority projects during the implementation period of the agreements. The execution of these agreements is subject to government audit and oversight mechanisms, as well as those of the donor agencies and international financing institutions.

Regular grants amounted to $1.346 billion, supporting developmental projects in various sectors, including water, sanitation, economic development, education, health, public sector reform, justice, good governance, human rights, employment, vocational training, livelihoods, social gender equality, agriculture, food security, environment, capacity building, youth, sports, entrepreneurship, and private sector partnership.

Concessional loans totaled around $1.584 billion for development projects in sectors such as water, sanitation, education, economic development, energy, and sectoral support through the budget for projects implemented by the Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries and institutions. The financing entities included Canada, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank, the German Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and others.

The grants allocated to support the response plan for the Syrian crisis amounted to approximately $506.8 million. These grants are distributed among various components of the plan, including projects in host communities, general budget support, and assistance to Syrian refugees.

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