5 Jordanian restaurants listed among region’s ‘50 best’ for 2023

Shams El Balad List in Pics
Shams Al-Balad. (Photos: 50 Best website)
AMMAN — The global brand 50 Best has included five Amman restaurants in its rating of the 50 best restaurants in the Middle East and North Africa for 2023, according to Ammon News.اضافة اعلان


Fakhreldin Restaurant won the award for best restaurant in Jordan and was ranked eighth regionally, while Shams Al-Balad ranked 29th, Sufra ranked 36th, Alee ranked 41st, and 13C Bar in the Back ranked 47th.


An awards ceremony was held on Monday in Abu Dhabi to officially announce the restaurants that made the cut.

Bar in the Back

The 50 Best brand is an authority in global gastronomy, showcasing international trends and highlighting top restaurants and bars from around the world, according to the brand’s website.

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