7 fuel stations face legal action for violations

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN – The Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO) has referred seven fuel stations to the Public Prosecutor, as reported by the institute's director, Abeer Al-Zuhair.اضافة اعلان

Zuhair explained on Sunday that the institute had taken action against six fuel stations due to their violations of the Jordanian technical standards for petroleum derivatives. This led to the closure of all fuel pumps that were tampered with at these stations, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.

Additionally, another station received a warning and was subsequently referred to the Public Prosecutor because of irregularities in the quantities handled by its staff. She pointed out that the referral of these stations to the prosecutor's office is intended for the initiation of legal proceedings against them, in accordance with the Standards and Metrology Law No. "22" of 2000 and its subsequent amendments.

She emphasized that the inspection tours of fuel stations would continue, involving the collection and examination of samples. These inspections have revealed instances of manipulation affecting the quality of fuel, as well as non-compliance with the technical standards.

She urged the public to report any suspicions related to fuel meter tampering or issues with fuel quality through the institute's unified complaints hotline at (065301243), the institute's social media pages, the complaints section on the institute's website, the "Bekhdemtakum" application, and the "Sanad Jo" platform at (065008080).

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