750 ‘non-tourist’ restaurants await sales tax reduction — JCC

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC) renewed its demand for the reduction of the sales tax paid by non-tourist restaurants from 16 to 8 percent, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.اضافة اعلان

The chamber also asserted that reducing the sales tax will contribute to enhancing competition, bringing prices down, and revitalizing the sector.

The JCC said in a press statement that there are 750 non-tourist restaurants awaiting to be included in the decision to reduce the sales tax, which tourist restaurants benefited from two years ago.

It confirmed that there are official promises to “settle this issue”.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government reduced the sales tax from 16 to 8 percent, on nearly 1,500 tourist restaurants.

The JCC described the restaurant and confectionary industry as a “vital” one, as it supports the national economy, and is key employer of local manpower.

It noted that the sector has witnessed remarkable development in terms of the quality of its products, services and equipment, in addition to attracting foreign investments that gave an added value to the sector, and increased competition among operating establishments.

The JCC pointed out that there are about 18,000 businesses operating in the restaurant and confectionary industry throughout the Kingdom. They employ about 100,000 workers, while the sector has become a favorite destination for tourists and visitors of the Kingdom.

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