800 students to get vaccine, 210,000 take third dose

Pfizer to supply the Kingdom with COVID-19 medicine in March

A medical worker prepares to give the COVID-19 vaccine in an undated photo. (Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Health Ministry Secretary-General of Epidemiological Affairs Adel Al-Belbisi said on Saturday that 210,000 people received the third dose of COVID-19 vaccine, out of 3 million individuals qualified to receive it in Jordan, according to Amman Net.اضافة اعلان

While vaccines third-doses are being rolled out, the Directorate of Education of Amman/Kasbah Brigade Director Nawal Abu Radin told Al-Wakeel News on Sunday that 800 students will also be taking the vaccine, with the consent of their guardians.

"All information indicates that the two doses can give us from 35 percent to 40 percent protection against Omicron, while a third dose gives us more than 80 percent protection, so we shortened the period between the second and third dose, and we are among the first countries to do that," Belbisi said, adding that "we have observed an increase in the demand for the third dose, and a decrease in the demand for the first and second doses.”

In terms of students, the Ministry of Education on Saturday announced the names of the health centers where the vaccine will be given to willing school students and to educational and administrative teams.

Those who received two doses of AstraZeneca vaccine in Jordan can take the third dose of Pfizer, said Belbisi, who confirmed that there is no third dose of AstraZeneca vaccine in Jordan.

More than half a million doses of the Sinopharm vaccine and about 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine are available in the Kingdom, according to official figures.

"During January 2022, we will receive one million doses of Pfizer, and in February we will receive two million doses," Belbisi said.

Pfizer has also promised to supply Jordan with "the first shipment" of COVID-19 medicine sufficient for about 1,300 people at the end of March, according to a statement by Health Minister Fares Al-Hawari on Sunday during a meeting with the parliamentary finance committee.

Hawari had said that Pfizer tablets will be given to Jordanians over 65 and those suffering from chronic diseases.

Earlier this month, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the urgent use of the drug from Pfizer labs, an important step in combating the epidemic that could enable millions of patient to have access the treatment.

Hawari also reiterated Belbisi and Abu Radins notions about the importance of the vaccine by stating that COVID-19 vaccines are “available and will remain available.”

On Sunday, Jordan registered 295 cases of the new Omicron mutant, a sharp increase over the 33 cases announced a day before.

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