9,500 annuals deaths in Jordan due to smoking

tobacoo smoking
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — In a recent statement, Ghayth Awais, the director of Health Awareness and Media at the Ministry of Health, revealed the alarming number of deaths caused by smoking in Jordan. Awais stated that approximately 9,500 lives are lost every year due to smoking-related illnesses in the Kingdom.اضافة اعلان

During his appearance on the program "Public Session," Awais further disclosed that a staggering 66 p343n5 of men in Jordan are smokers. He also highlighted that the smoking rates among children between the ages of 13 and 15 stand at 25 percent, according to the latest statistics, Ammon News reported.

Additionally, Awais shed light on the prevalence of e-cigarette use, reporting that 16 percent of men and 3 percent of women in Jordan engage in vaping.

The economic burden of smoking in Jordan was emphasized by Awais, who estimated the cost to be around JD1.6 billion. Furthermore, he underscored that Jordan ranks among the leading countries worldwide in terms of smoking rates.

Awais elaborated on the extent of the smoking epidemic, indicating that approximately 42 percent of both men and women in Jordan are smokers. This alarming statistic serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive anti-smoking measures.

In response to Awais' statements, Larissa Al-Uar, the secretary of the "No to Smoking" Association, voiced concerns regarding the insufficient tobacco regulations in Jordan.

Warr highlighted the lack of seriousness displayed by the government in combating smoking in all its forms.

She further emphasized the detrimental effects of secondhand smoking on children, stating that exposure to smoke alters brain chemistry. She attributed the prevalence of children's smoking to an environment in Jordan that inadvertently supports such habits.

As the number of smoking-related deaths continues to rise and with alarming statistics pointing to the prevalence of smoking among various demographics, health experts, and anti-smoking advocates are calling for more robust legislation and comprehensive efforts to combat this pressing issue in the Kingdom

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