Amman– The Jordanian Media Credibility Observatory, "AKEED," reported a total of 891 rumors in 2024, with a monthly average of 74 rumors.
In its annual report released on Sunday, AKEED revealed that 456 rumors (51.2%) were driven by regional events, including the war on Gaza and the West Bank and events in Syria and Lebanon.
اضافة اعلان
The Israeli offensive on Gaza in October 2023 accounted for 322 rumors, intensifying as the war prolonged and the situation became more complex.
Categories of Rumors
The report classified the rumors as follows:
Political rumors ranked first with 288 rumors (32%).
Security-related rumors came second with 232 (26%).
Social rumors were third with 185 (21%).
Economic rumors followed with 123 (14%).
Public affairs rumors totaled 49 (5.5%).
Health-related rumors ranked last, accounting for 14 (1.5%).
Sources of Rumors
Social media platforms were the primary source of rumors, contributing 779 rumors (87%), while traditional media accounted for 112 rumors (13%).