Aqaba-Amman Water Carrier RFP sent to prequalified bidders

Water Ministry
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — A request for proposal (RFP) for the construction of a 450km pipeline that will pump desalinated seawater from the Red Sea port of Aqaba to Amman and elsewhere across the Kingdom was sent Wednesday to a group of prequalified bidders, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Minister of Water and Irrigation Mohammad Najjar said the RFP was forwarded to five prequalified global consortiums to present financial and technical offers. The project is projected to supply the capital and other regions of the Kingdom with 300 million cubic meters of desalinated seawater annually.

In addition to the pipeline, an intake plant and water treatment facility will be constructed under the project. The ministry had conducted technical, financial, and other studies related to the energy required by the project, under grants provided by the US Agency for International Development and the European Investment Bank.

Stemming from the government’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and costs, one of the project’s main requirements is the use of clean energy for desalination and pumping, the minister said. 

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