Blanket water network plan for north launched

overhaul pvc water pipes
Water pipes. (Photo: Envato Elements)
AMMAN — Yarmouk Water Company (YWC) on Wednesday launched a blanket plan for Jordan’s northern governorates’ water networks aimed at improving their efficiency by evaluating their needs, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The plan is part of a previous agreement to carry out projects, funded by USAID for YWC, with a value of $25.9 million. The projects aim at rehabilitating water networks and improving water supply to citizens.

During the launching ceremony, in the presence of USAID representatives and the implementing company, YWC Chairman Hussein Al-Soub stressed the importance of executing this blanket plan to identify the needs of the water networks in the northern governorates and their sources. He also said the it will help assess supply systems, and set priorities for investment in the networks for the coming years.

The process is in preparation for carrying out projects, and preparing networks to receive water from the National Water Carrier Project, which is scheduled to be completed by 2028, Soub said.

Future projects will be reflected in the increased water quantities available to more than 380,000 subscribers in the northern governorates of Irbid, Jerash, Ajloun, and Mafraq. Others include reduced water losses, improved operational efficiency, and developed schemes to secure new water sources, he said.

USAID Director of Water Projects Louis Qaqish referred to the agency’s grants provided to YWC and their impact on improving water supply and reducing the rate of water loss.

He said in the future, projects will prepare water networks to receive desalinated Red Sea water pumped by the National Water Carrier Project , which is expected to cover the Kingdom’s water needs.

Tender for the blanket plan project for water networks in the northern governorates stands at $1 million, and is scheduled to be implemented within 9 months.

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