CSB, CAOA sign action plan to bolster Jordanian-Egyptian civil service cooperation

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Civil Service Bureau (CSB) President Sameh Nasser and chairman of Egyptian Central Agency for Organization and Administration (CAOA), Saleh Sheikh, signed a bilateral action plan for 2022–2023 in the public service affairs and civil administration fields, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The agreement, which was inked at the conclusion of Sheikh’s visit to Jordan, aims to activate the joint CSB-CAOA cooperation protocol signed in Cairo in 2019, according to a CSB statement.

The plan, which also comes in light of the outcomes the Joint Egyptian-Jordanian Joint Higher Committee meetings, co-chaired by the two countries' prime ministers in Amman in 2021, includes CSB-CAOA employee training, exchanging expertise and visits, and preparing specialized studies in planning and managing the public sector's human resources, the statement added.

On the sidelines of the visit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Administration Tawfiq Krishan, and Minister of State for Prime Ministry Affairs Ibrahim Al-Jazi, met with Sheikh, and lauded the role of the Joint Jordanian-Egyptian Joint Higher Committee, which is held regularly to maintain joint coordination on a pan-Arab level.

Touring the CSB's departments, Sheikh valued the bureau's efforts in providing an opportunity to check firsthand on the latest developments in the public service administration, and ways to benefit from the Egypt's expertise in this field.

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