Cabinet approves bylaw to regulate partisan activities of university students

Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh. (File Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/JNews)
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Cabinet approved a bylaw for regulating the practice of student political party affiliation at higher education institutions across the Kingdom, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

It said the Cabinet decision came in a session on Sunday, headed by Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh.

For the first time in Jordan’s history, a bylaw is issued to regulate conduct of student partisan activities in higher education institutions.

The bylaw’s approval comes within the framework of the Jordan’s political modernization system, which was launched at the beginning of Jordan’s bicentennial, and is based on the Political Parties Law that was previously endorsed within this process.

Commenting on the Cabinet’s decision, Minister of Education, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Azmi Al-Mahafzah said the approval of the bylaw “reflects the will of the Jordanian state to move forward with the political modernization plan”.

The decision also exhibits the government’s fulfillment of its duty towards creating the necessary environment for practicing programmed partisan activities, he said.

Mahafzah said the bylaw is a translation of Royal visions, and an implementation of His Majesty King Abdullah’s directives, during his recent meeting with the heads of official and private Jordanian universities.

The move also comes following a meeting by HRH Crown Prince Hussein with the deans of student affairs in public and private universities, he noted.

For the first time, he pinpointed, a bylaw aims to provide a “safe” space for practicing partisan activities in Jordan’s universities, without restrictions as long as the activity is in compliance with the provisions of the bylaw.

University students, he noted, have a “golden” opportunity to be part of making Jordan’s political and partisan future, in line with the outcome of the political modernization process, which confirmed the youth’s pivotal role in partisan and political life.

Going forward, no university student will be questioned over partisan work in Jordan’s universities and colleges, he said. He noted that that all higher education institutions must amend their internal regulations and instructions in accordance with the bylaw’s articles.

Within this context, he said these institutions need to educate and stimulate students to engage in party-based program work aimed at serving the country and citizens.

The bylaw is in line with the best practices implemented by many higher education institutions across the world, which aim to avoid tampering with the educational process, preserving its neutrality, and retaining university faculty and administrative staff.

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