Cattle association deplores exclusion from FMD Lower House discussion

cattle feeding farm cows cow dairy
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — President of the Al-Dhuleil Dairy Cattle Association, Ali Ghabayen, deplored the association's exclusion from the Lower House's Agriculture and Water Committee meeting on Tuesday. اضافة اعلان

The meeting aimed to discuss the latest developments in the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak affecting local farms.

According to Jo24, Ghabayen criticized the parliamentary committee for not listening to what cattle farmers had to say about the spread of FMD, its impacts, and their losses.

The association also raised questions about the source of information used by the committee during their discussions with the Minister of Agriculture.

Infection ratesAccording to Ghabayen, the infection rate on some farms has reached 100 percent, while in others it is between 90–95 percent.

He also noted that the current weather conditions could contribute to the spread of the virus and its transfer to other farms. The weak immunity of cows due to the disease has also led to an increase in mortality rates, with 235 cows and 350 calves reported dead and large quantities of milk destroyed, according to the association's statistics.

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