Crime rate in Jordan rises in 2022

Total of 1,256 crimes committed last year, says PSD

(File photo: JNews)
AMMAN — The rate of crimes and misdemeanors against people in Jordan increased in 2022 compared to the previous year, according to a report released by the Public Security Directorate. اضافة اعلان

The total number of crimes committed in 2022 was 1,256, including first-degree murder, unintentional murder, manslaughter, assault leading to death, and attempted murder.

This is a significant increase from 1,087 crimes reported in2021.

Increase in murders
The report showed that the number of premeditated murder crimes was 49, while the number of intentional murder crimes was 57.

The total number of attempted murder crimes was 364 in 2022, compared to 290 crimes in 2021. The total number of unintentional murder crimes was 43, compared to 31 crimes in 2021.

The report also indicated that severe abuse crimes increased in 2022, with their total number reaching 741, compared to 457 crimes in 2021.

Jordanian Penal Code distinctions
The Jordanian Penal Code distinguishes between intentional murder and premeditated murder.

Murder committed with intent and premeditation is considered deliberate murder under the provisions of Article 328, while murder committed as a prelude to theft is considered intentional murder with an aggravated circumstance, according to the provisions of Article 328 (2) of the Penal Code.

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