Did you hear the sirens? National earthquake readiness drill underway

National earthquake readiness drill underway 02
(Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Monday, the alarm sirens were sounded, marking the commencement of the national exercise known as "Safety Path (3)." This exercise, which spans two days, is being conducted by the National Center for Security and Crisis Management. Its primary goal is to evaluate the readiness and preparedness of both public and private institutions in dealing with earthquakes and their aftermath.اضافة اعلان

The purpose of this exercise is to assess the nation's capabilities in response and rescue operations, ensuring the safety of critical infrastructure, refining the mechanisms for receiving and distributing aid, updating relevant databases, and effectively disseminating awareness messages during and after earthquakes. All of these efforts are aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted continuation of daily life, Ammon News reported.

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The exercise encompasses various activities, including evacuation procedures, rescue operations, temporary closures, the activation of alarm sirens, and the deployment of security personnel in multiple areas, typically around 10 a.m. Importantly, these activities are carefully coordinated to minimize any disruption to the normal flow of public life.

The exercise is designed to simulate the occurrence of an earthquake in Jordan. It involves the evacuation of vital facilities, including numerous schools, and outlines protocols for receiving and managing assistance effectively.

The activation of alarm sirens is just one component of the exercise.

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