Electrical cables stolen from Sports City

Theft caused three-hour disruption of traffic lights

(Photo: Pixabay)
AMMAN — The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) announced on Sunday that electrical cables were stolen from the Sports City area, which affected electrical distribution to facilities, streets, and traffic lights.اضافة اعلان

According to sources at the GAM, the disruption did not affect households in that area.

The head of the municipality’s traffic department, Mohammad Faouri, told Jordan News that the power outage in the Sports City area occurred because the main cables connected to the electrical company’s generator and primary electrical panel were stolen, causing a three-hour-long disruption of traffic lights in the area.

Following coordination between the GAM and the electrical company, power was restored. Faouri confirmed that no car accidents took place as traffic police were stationed in the area to preempt any accidents and safely direct cars.

He added that security cameras footage will be reviewed in order to catch the perpetrators with the help of law enforcement. The municipality will investigate these violations and find a way to prevent future ones.

The electrical company’s media spokesperson, Mohammad Seefan, told Jordan News that the power outage in the Sport City area lasted from 12am to 3pm, adding that cables have been stolen in the past in different parts of the country and that coordination with security bodies occurs as soon as such an incident is reported.

He confirmed that the perpetrators, who steal these cables with the intent of selling the copper within, generate colossal losses for the electricity company, including the costs incurred by the power outage itself, the costs of buying new equipment, and the costs of offer alternatives to remedy the interruption, in addition to the costs associated with efforts of maintenance workers.

Sources at the GAM, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told Jordan News that three similar incidents occurred in Amman yesterday at different times.

Sources stated that these thefts are a “reoccurring issue that happens every day.”

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