Fair weather conditions on Tuesday

View of Amman. (Photo: Unsplash)
AMMAN — Moderate weather conditions are expected to prevail in the highlands and the plains, while it will be hot in other parts of the Kingdom, as temperatures register 3-4 degrees higher than annual average, the Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said in its forecast for Tuesday.اضافة اعلان

On Wednesday, Jordan will be affected by a hot and dry air mass, pushing mercury levels high, and bringing relatively hot conditions in the hilly areas and the plains, and sizzling weather in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba, with northeasterly to northwesterly moderate winds, the JMD added.

The highs in Amman and other highlands across the Kingdom will range between 26°C and 31°C on Tuesday, dropping at night to 16°C or even 12°C in the southern highlands. In the gulf city of Aqaba, it will be hotter with mercury reaching a high of 39°C and a low of 23°C.

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