Financial Program for the impoverished to be launched next year

ministry of social development building
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN— The Minister of Social Development Ayman Al-Mufleh on Thursday stated that there has been a liaison with the Ministry of Finance to increase the financial support for the National Aid Fund, according to Alghad News.اضافة اعلان

Mufleh indicated that this move to transfer a number of families from the cash assistance program "Takaful 3" and include them in new programs.

Acting director-general of the National Aid Fund (NAF), Barq Dmour on Thursday also said that "Takaful 3" launched at the beginning of 2021 and will be concluded as planned by the end of December.

Mufleh also contended that “the ministry knows families whose income was completely cut to zero” indicating that they could not regain their previous financial status.

The minister pointed out that as of the beginning of next year, a new program will be launched; yet it would not include all the families which were financially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, the ministry will only take into consideration the most impoverished families.

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