The Jordan Food and Drug Corporation has approved the registration of 90 pharmaceutical products to achieve drug security, in accordance with the 2024 Drug Registration Instructions aimed at enhancing drug security.
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Dr. Nizar Mahmoud Hayyat, the Director-General of the Corporation, explained that the Corporation, through the Drug Security Committee, received 147 registration requests for the drug security list from pharmaceutical warehouses and local pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.
He added that the approved pharmaceutical products covered a wide range of life-saving medications for chronic diseases, heart conditions, and cancer. This also included medications required for government tenders or the local market, which are listed in the non-available medications list aimed at achieving drug security. The Corporation continuously updates this list according to drug stock indicators and encourages local pharmaceutical companies to manufacture and register drugs that may face shortages in the supply process to the local market. Priority is given to these drugs in terms of registration, inspection, and providing necessary technical consultations when their files are submitted. He noted that some files are still under review until the necessary documents are completed.
It is worth mentioning that the Corporation introduced the 2024 Drug Registration Instructions to enhance drug security in the Kingdom, provide medicines at affordable prices to citizens, and expedite the registration process while ensuring their safety and effectiveness. This initiative aligns with the Economic Modernization Vision, which was implemented based on royal directives, and reflects the Corporation's goals and mission to provide safe, effective, high-quality medicines at affordable prices. The Corporation continues its role in monitoring and strengthening drug stock to meet the local market’s needs, provide therapeutic alternatives, and prevent potential drug shortages in collaboration with national pharmaceutical industries and pharmaceutical warehouses.