‘Free Medical Week’ to take place in Maan

Crown Prince Foundation
(Photo: Crown Prince Foundation Facebook)
AMMAN – The Crown Prince Foundation launched on Sunday the "Free Medical Week" in Maan Governorate, which it implements in partnership with the Royal Medical Services and the Ministry of Health, according to Khaberni News.اضافة اعلان

The foundation said that the 5-day medical week in Maan will involve consultants from the Royal Medical Services; medical tests, analyses, and radiology will be conducted, and medicine will be distributed for free.

According to the foundation, cardiologists, internists, specialists in diabetes and endocrinology, neurology, arterial and vascular surgery, dermatology, pediatric digestive system, pediatric neurology, and pediatric heart will offer their services.

Minister of Health Firas Hawari said that the ministry enabled the Maan Health Center to follow up on cases that require transfer to Maan Government Hospital and to provide all treatment services.

At the beginning of 2022, the foundation announced the opening of an office in the Maan Governorate, to carry out a large number of activities and to achieve the foundation’s mission of developing and boosting the youths’ capabilities.

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