GAM to raise world’s longest flag on Friday

(Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) has set its sights on breaking a Guinness world record by raising the world’s longest flag, marking the occasion of Jordan’s centenary.اضافة اعلان

The flag will be 2,132m long and 6m wide for a total area of 12,792sqm, according to privy sources at GAM.

The sources said that Guinness has been contacted and that a private company has recorded the flag’s measurements, and backed GAM’s request with the relevant supporting documents.

“The number 2,132 has strong symbolic ties to the centenary. The numbers 3 and 2 denote the arrival of King Abdullah I to Marka in 1921, whereas the numbers 1 and 2 refer to the end of the Kingdom’s first centenary and its entry into the second one under His Majesty King Abdullah’s reign,” the sources explained.

The flag will be hoisted on April 16 in the Munther Al-Masri Street in Amman’s Abdoun Valley area, the sources noted.

In commemoration of the centenary, GAM personnel have hung around 30,000 flags across various main roads and alleys in the 22 areas within the municipality’s jurisdiction, in addition to 15,000 metal plaques bearing the Jordanian flag, which have been installed in squares, at intersections and on lampposts.

The municipality has also hoisted 700 flags at intersections, along roads and in public squares.