Government Allocates Land for Agricultural Projects and Food Security

Government Allocates Land for Agricultural Projects and Food Security
Government Allocates Land for Agricultural Projects and Food Security
The Cabinet has decided to approve two decisions by the Board of Directors of the Jordan Valley Authority to allocate land plots in the areas of Quraqira / Aqaba and Baqoura / Northern Shunah for agricultural projects and food security purposes. This decision is based on Article 26 of the Jordan Valley Development Law and includes the allocation of approximately 3,112 dunams of land from Quraqira village in the Aqaba Governorate, in the name of the Jordan Valley Authority, for the benefit of the Wadi Araba Development Company. The land is to be leased to Al-Ghamr Agricultural Company for the establishment of an agricultural project, provided that the project is established within three years from the date of the Cabinet's approval and adherence to the terms outlined in the delegation and task transfer agreement signed between the Jordan Valley Authority and the Wadi Araba Development Company. Otherwise, the approval will be considered void. The decision also includes the allocation of land plots from Baqoura in the Northern Shunah District, with a total area of 1,358 dunams, in the name of the Kingdom’s Treasury, for the benefit of the Jordanian Armed Forces - Arab Army, to be used in food security projects as part of the plan for the Millennium Company for Agricultural Investments. Additionally, the Cabinet has decided to reduce the land prices in the Hussein Industrial City in Karak and the Tafila Industrial City from 25 Jordanian dinars per square meter to 10 dinars. This decision comes in light of the government's efforts to enhance the attractiveness of the two industrial areas for investment by providing incentives to investors, which will contribute to increasing investments and, in turn, create more employment opportunities for the local community.   (window.globalAmlAds = window.globalAmlAds || []).push('admixer_async_509089081')   (window.globalAmlAds = window.globalAmlAds || []).push('admixer_async_552628228') Read More 274 Alternative Sentences Implemented in Two Months Security: The Circulated Video of the Police Patrol is Old Jordanian Helicopter Unit in Congo Distributes Humanitarian Aid
The Cabinet has decided to approve two decisions by the Board of Directors of the Jordan Valley Authority to allocate land plots in the areas of Quraqira / Aqaba and Baqoura / Northern Shunah for agricultural projects and food security purposes.

This decision is based on Article 26 of the Jordan Valley Development Law and includes the allocation of approximately 3,112 dunams of land from Quraqira village in the Aqaba Governorate, in the name of the Jordan Valley Authority, for the benefit of the Wadi Araba Development Company. The land is to be leased to Al-Ghamr Agricultural Company for the establishment of an agricultural project, provided that the project is established within three years from the date of the Cabinet's approval and adherence to the terms outlined in the delegation and task transfer agreement signed between the Jordan Valley Authority and the Wadi Araba Development Company. Otherwise, the approval will be considered void.

The decision also includes the allocation of land plots from Baqoura in the Northern Shunah District, with a total area of 1,358 dunams, in the name of the Kingdom’s Treasury, for the benefit of the Jordanian Armed Forces - Arab Army, to be used in food security projects as part of the plan for the Millennium Company for Agricultural Investments.

Additionally, the Cabinet has decided to reduce the land prices in the Hussein Industrial City in Karak and the Tafila Industrial City from 25 Jordanian dinars per square meter to 10 dinars. This decision comes in light of the government's efforts to enhance the attractiveness of the two industrial areas for investment by providing incentives to investors, which will contribute to increasing investments and, in turn, create more employment opportunities for the local community.