Government: No Charity Fundraising or Ramadan Iftar Tables Without Prior Licensing

Government: No Charity Fundraising or Ramadan Iftar Tables Without Prior Licensing
Government: No Charity Fundraising or Ramadan Iftar Tables Without Prior Licensing
Social Development Minister, Wafaa Bani Mustafa, confirmed that no fundraising campaigns will be allowed during the month of Ramadan unless the necessary approvals and licenses are obtained from the relevant authorities.اضافة اعلان

In a press interview on Friday evening, she stated that the ministry is working to expedite the approval process after verifying the financial and administrative status of the associations applying for requests.

She clarified that no Ramadan Iftar tables can be organized without coordinating with the local administrative authority to ensure that these events are conducted within the legal frameworks.

The minister pointed out that the ministry, through its field directorates, is monitoring the compliance of associations with the required licenses, emphasizing that the new Social Development Law, which came into effect last year, has imposed stricter penalties on unlicensed fundraising activities.

She also highlighted that the new system for fundraising, which is expected to be approved soon, aims to regulate and organize donation processes to ensure that aid reaches those in need, especially given the widespread presence of charitable organizations.

The minister affirmed that the ministry does not prohibit social solidarity, but rather seeks to regulate it to ensure transparency and accountability. She called on citizens to be aware of the laws governing this field, as collecting donations without a license could expose those involved to legal accountability under the criminal law provisions.