Here is what you need to know about Thursday’s Royal wedding

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AMMAN — Taking place Thursday from 4pm till 10pm, the Crown Prince’s wedding will serve as a landmark historical moment for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and a touchstone in the country’s century-long story. اضافة اعلان

Here is what you need to know about tomorrow.

Islamic Marriage Ceremony: Zahran PalaceHRH Crown Prince Hussein and Miss Rajwa Alseif will be married at Zahran Palace in an Islamic marriage ceremony known as a “katb ktab.” The ceremony will be attended by around 140 guests, including members of the Royal Hashemite family, invited royals and heads of state.

The event begins with the arrival of Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania, who receive and greet guests, while the Jordanian Armed Forces Musical Band performs to their side. This is shortly followed by the arrival of Crown Prince Hussein.

Their Majesties, followed by with the Crown Prince, proceed to join guests at a gazebo located in the Palace’s garden, where the ceremony will take place. In the meantime, Ms. Rajwa Alseif arrives at the Palace escorted by the Crown Prince’s younger brother, Prince Hashem and younger sister Princess Salma. Prince Hashem walks Miss Rajwa Alseif to the gazebo and the Islamic marriage ceremony commences.

During the ceremony, the bride and groom sign the marriage contract, as well as two witnesses. Royal Hashemite Court Imam Dr Ahmed Al-Khalaileh, who was appointed to this position in January 2021, presides over the ceremony, during which he imparts words of wisdom on the sanctity and importance of marriage in Islam taken from the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and the sayings of the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him.

Once the ceremony concludes, several women perform Zaghrata (ululation), a joyous sound commonly used to express happiness at Jordanian and Arab celebrations, and the newlyweds greet the attending guests.

The Motorcade Procession
The newlyweds will travel from Zahran Palace to Al-Husseiniya Palace as part of the Red Motorcade.

The Red Motorcade has its roots in the era of  the late King Abdullah I, the country’s founder, who would arrive at significant national events atop one of a procession of white horses, accompanied by riders dressed in dark blue trousers and red blazers. Today, the Red Motorcade is used on occasions of national importance, including the opening of Parliament, Army Day, Independence Day, and during official visits of heads of state. On these occasions, motorcade members and riders don full Jordanian military regalia and the national red and white checkered headdress, known in Arabic as the Shemagh.

The Motorcade consists of eight bright red armed Land Rover vehicles and 11 motorcycles, but on special occasions, horse and camel riders join the lineup and the Jordan Armed Forces Musical Band plays military music on bagpipes. The Land Rovers and motorcycles cordon the main motorcade vehicle.

Wedding Reception: Al-Husseiniya Palace
The Red Motorcade will arrive at Al-Husseiniya Palace. As is customary, the arrival of the bride and groom is announced with a Zaffeh, a lively musical procession featuring drums, bagpipes, singing, and clapping. The newlyweds are led to the outdoor reception courtyard by a military Zaffeh performed by the Jordan Armed Forces Musical Band, renowned for its rousing performances at national celebrations, state visits, and military ceremonies. All band members wear the traditional red and white Shemagh, a traditional headdress for men, in addition to their full-dress uniform.

After passing through an honorary Arch of Sabers, the couple proceeds through the courtyard amidst a traditional Jordanian Zaffeh, toward the greeting stage. On the stage, the bride and groom are joined by Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania, as well as the bride's parents, to greet over 1,700 guests.

The remainder of the evening features a variety of performances by local and regional singers, a choir group, Jordanian bands, the national orchestra, and folk-dance troupes.

The reception concludes with the bride and groom cutting the wedding cake.

The Royal Banquet: Al-Husseiniya Palace
Following the main reception, the wedding banquet, also at Al-Husseiniya Palace, will be attended by members of the Royal Hashemite Family, foreign and Arab heads of states, and high-ranking officials. It will combine the formalities and diplomatic aspects of a state banquet with the joyous celebration and traditions of a wedding ceremony.

The information above was provided via a press statement from the Royal Court.

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