Himam demands release of political activists in Jordan

(Photo: Envato Elements)


AMMAN — Himam, a civil society coordinating coalition, called for the release of all political activists in the Kingdom, in light of the recent arrests of  Abed Khalifa Tawahiya and Omar Abu Rasaa and the raid on Sufian Al-Tal’s house.

اضافة اعلان


During the raid, personnel “confiscated electronic devices, intimidated family members, and put Tal in three-day detention to be released on bail,” said a press statement.


“The continued detention of activists for their opinions is a flagrant violation of the principles of freedom of opinion and expression guaranteed by the Jordanian constitution and the International Bill of Human Rights,” said the statement.


Himam also called on Jordanian authorities to stop referring civilians and activists to the State Security Court using vague charges.


The coalition also deplored the continued arrests of teachers and protestors, stating that it is a “clear violation of law” as the Constitution and international law guarantee people the right to peaceful gatherings.


These arrests, said Himam, violate the rights stipulated in the Jordanian Constitution, “which guarantees all freedom of opinion and expression through speech, writing, photography, and other means of expression, as stipulated in Article 15 of the Constitution”.


Himam noted that the successive arrest campaigns contradict the International Bill of Human Rights that Jordan committed itself to after ratifying the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and publishing them in the Official Gazette more than 10 years ago.


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