Hotel occupancy rates reach 80% in Aqaba - Haj Hassan

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Hotel occupancy rates reach 80% in Aqaba - Haj Hassan
Aqaba - Hamza Haj Hassan, deputy chairman of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) Board of Commissioners, said that the amount of visitors during the days of Eid and the proportion of hotels that are occupied indicate that the tourist industry in the city of Aqaba is active, which has a beneficial impact on both the tourism and business sectors in the town.اضافة اعلان

He added that Aqaba's hotel occupancy rate hit 80 percent, and approximately 14,000 travelers entered the city through Wadi Araba and the Durra border crossings.

He made the point that the authority, working with various parties, organized a variety of theatrical, cultural, and entertainment events that attracted large crowds of both locals and tourists and included a varied and ongoing schedule that suited everyone.

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