IEC launches online platform for political parties

3. IEC (Petra)
Left to right: UNDP Resident Representative Randa Abul Hassan, Independent Election Commission Chairman Musa Maaytah, and Norwegian Ambassador to Jordan Espen Lindbeck. (Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Sunday launched the national e-platform for political parties, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Speaking at the launching ceremony, IEC Chairman Musa Maaytah said the platform comes within the framework of Jordan's Political Modernization Vision.

The platform will streamline the submission of documents for political parties, Maaytah said, adding that it would increase transparency and make it easier for parties to remain informed of government regulations.

Norwegian Ambassador to Jordan Espen Lindbeck lauded the IEC's announcement. He expressed his pride in being able to participate in the platform's inauguration and stressed his country’s continued support and cooperation with the IEC.

Meanwhile, UNDP Resident Representative Randa Abul Hassan said the UN will continue to support Jordan's efforts in political modernization through its partnership with IEC.

The UNDP’s assistance aims to enhance the political participation of youth, women and other politically marginalized groups and support digital and tech transformation efforts, she noted.

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