In Jordan, cigarettes still reign over other smoking alternatives

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Cigarettes still top sales in the local smoking market, outperforming other smoking methods including electronic cigarettes, Hala News reported.اضافة اعلان

Dr Bassam Hijjawi, head of the Jordanian National Anti-Smoking Society, confirmed that among smokers in Jordan, those who use traditional tobacco products make up 41 percent. Meanwhile, those who use electric smoking products make up 17.1 percent of smokers.

Men smoke the most in Jordan compared to women, with men amounting to 65.3 percent of those who use traditional tobacco products. Women make up 16.4 percent.

As for alternative smoking products, usage amongst men stood at 25.6 percent compared to 8.5 percent for women.

Average age
On average, people start smoking in Jordan when they reach 20, he said.

However, the average age of those who smoke is 17 for men and 24 for women, he said.

The average number of cigarettes smoked between the two genders is 21 cigarettes per day.

Hijjawi revealed that men were more successful in quitting traditional smoking compared to women, with a rate of 9.1 percent compared to 3 percent for women. Between the two the rate is 6 percent, he added.

First worldwide
A World Health Organization (WHO) report in 2022 revealed that Jordanian families spend more money on smoking per month than they do on food.

It said some families spend JD73.6 per month on smoking, compared to JD26.6 per month for fruits, JD38.2 per month for dairy and eggs, JD42.1 for vegetables and legume and JD50.4 for meat and poultry.

According to a WHO survey, Jordan ranks first in the world in smoking; 82 percent of smokers, aged 18 to 69, smoke cigarettes and hookah, and 15 percent smoke e-cigarettes.

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