Independence Day holiday extends to private businesses, celebrations announced

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — A government circular on observing Jordan’s 76th Independence Day extends to the private sector, the Ministry of Labor said, as a schedule for the three-day celebrations was announced.اضافة اعلان

The circular by Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh instructed public offices to close down an hour early, at 2pm on Wednesday, May 25, the actual day of Jordan’s independence, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

An official holiday is declared for the following day, Thursday, May 26, the second day of three days of government-sponsored celebrations across the Kingdom.

The holiday allows Jordanian families to get out of their homes and enjoy the street festivities marking Independence Day, said Mohammad Al-Zyoud, the Labor Ministry’s spokesperson.

Separately, the government announced a schedule for the three-day celebration.

The activities, which will begin on Wednesday at 5pm in specific locations in each governorate, are listed in the following link.

This year’s activities seek to “spread joy and happiness” among citizens following the difficult conditions endured during the COVID-19 pandemic, Petra said.

In Amman, a series of events are scheduled at the Roman Theater, the Hashemite Plaza, and the Odeon Theater, according to Al-Mamlaka TV.

The events at Odean Theater will begin Wednesday, and occur daily at 5pm until Friday evening. The events include plays, various artist performances, competitions, prizes, and aircraft shows.

The Hashemite Plaza will see an aircraft display by the Jordanian Royal Falcons at 6pm on Wednesday, followed by music from the armed forces, and at 7pm performances by Maan and Hill Band, along with Hussein Al-Salman and Hamdi Al-Manaseer at the Roman amphitheater.

In the Roman Theatre, an air show of the Royal Jordanian Gliding Club will be held at 7pm on Thursday, and a performance by the Hussein Musical Band and the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) Band, followed by performances from Yahya Sweis and Zain Awad. Friday’s performances at the Roman Theater will begin at 7pm, showcasing Hussein Musical Band, Beit Al-Rowad, and Diana Karazon.

GAM has allocated an area for bazaars and children’s activities in the Hashemite Square throughout the days of the celebration from 4–7pm and, it includes face painting, aerobic games, and interactive activities.

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