Israeli peace treaty: 'Papers on a shelf collecting dust' - Khasawneh

Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh. (File Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/JNews)
Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh. (File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — In an interview on Monday, Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh emphasized the need for a political solution in Palestine. He warned that the absence of such a solution could lead to a spiral of violence, which could escalate into an even greater explosion. Khasawneh elaborated that if a viable political horizon does not emerge, the events in Gaza could create a generational gap that could result in further cycles of violence. He said that the ongoing war must be halted because the life of a Palestinian child is no less valuable than the life of any other child. اضافة اعلان

Furthermore, he revealed that Israel has been granted immunity, allowing it to disregard and violate international laws. He said that the Arab-Islamic Ministerial Committee is working to remove this legal immunity from Israel, Al-Ghad reported. 

He clarified that Jordan sees the situation in Gaza as a direct threat to its borders, and the Armed Forces is fulfilling its constitutional duty to protect it. He stressed that any escalation in the West Bank or attacks on Islamic and Christian sanctities would be considered a red line. Additionally, he asserted that the displacement of people from the West Bank would be deemed a material breach of the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty, tantamount to a declaration of war on Jordan. 

Regarding the water-for-energy deal between Jordan and Israel, he highlighted that the Kingdom has alternatives to the agreement. He noted that the peace agreement is becoming like 'papers on a shelf gathering dust' as Israel does not respect the entitlements of the treaty, and he affirmed that "all options are on the table." 

Khasawneh confirmed that the Jordanian Armed Forces are investigating the shelling near the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza, and the subsequent actions will be determined by the investigation's findings.

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