JEA, Public Security sign MOU to speed up building licensing process

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Jordan Engineers Union and the Public Security Directorate have signed a memorandum of understanding on building plan audits, Ad-Dustour reported on Monday.اضافة اعلان

The memo will help speed up the building licensing process and help the two sides share engineering expertise, said association president Ahmad Samara Zu’bi. It comes as part of a digital transformation effort at the association.

Auditors from the Prevention and Self-Protection Department and the Control and Operations Directorate will be assigned to a permanent headquarters at the association to ensure that electronic building schemes meet the authorities’ requirements, according to Abdallah Ghosheh, head of the association’s Engineering Offices and Companies Committee.

Additionally, the head of the Prevention and Self-Protection Department and the head of the association’s Engineering Section have been named as liaison officers to resolve any issues between the two sides.

Ghosheh stated that the memo will be applied in stages, with the first stage applying to housing projects in Amman smaller than 600 sq.m.

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