Jerusalem Committee: Al-Aqsa Storming by Extremists Perpetuates Occupation’s Crimes, Provokes Muslim, Christian Sentiments

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Jerusalem Committee: Al-Aqsa Storming by Extremists Perpetuates Occupation’s Crimes, Provokes Muslim, Christian Sentiments
Amman – The Secretary-General of the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs, Abdullah Kanaan, strongly condemned the recent storming of the al-Aqsa Mosque by over two thousand settlers, including members of Israel's far-right government.اضافة اعلان

Kanaan said that these actions are part of ongoing Israeli crimes, which include killing, captivity, land confiscation, home demolitions, neighborhood evacuations, and the displacement of residents to make way for settlers, all while provoking the sentiments of Muslims and Christians globally.

In a statement to the Jordan News Agency (Petra), Kanaan remarked that these repeated incursions by extremists are attempts to alter the historical status quo and impose a reality of Judaization, Hebraization, and Israelization in Jerusalem and Palestine. He highlighted that the Israeli occupation flagrantly violates international law and disregards global demands for peace.

Kanaan noted that the continuous storming of the al-Aqsa, particularly during Israeli occasions and holidays, is part of a broader effort to impose temporal and spatial divisions at the mosque, with the ultimate goal of demolishing al-Aqsa to construct the so-called "temple."

He further pointed out that Israeli aggression extends beyond the bombing of Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of women and defenseless civilians, to deliberate actions aimed at destabilizing regional and global security. This aggression includes blatant attacks on Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem and across Palestine, actions that starkly contradict international values, laws, and moral standards.

Kanaan stressed that the Israeli occupation, aware of the religious significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and Christians, is intentionally provoking religious sentiments by promoting Talmudic myths and pursuing plans to demolish al-Aqsa Mosque to build the so-called temple. These actions, he added, are attempts to garner support from extremist settlers amidst ongoing Israeli societal unrest and protests against Prime Minister Netanyahu's policies and the war on Gaza. The participation of extremist rabbis and government ministers in these stormings underscores an "increasing Israeli policy."

Kanaan criticized the biased stance of major powers, which, despite their claims of promoting democracy and peace, continue to practice double standards by providing comprehensive support to Israel.

He reiterated that the Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs calls on the international community and its organizations to fulfill their moral and legal obligations to halt Israeli aggression against the people, land, and holy sites in Jerusalem and Palestine. He urged the international community to force Israel to adhere to international resolutions, including the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital, while preserving the historical status quo.

Kanaan underlined that peace, security, and stability cannot be achieved through aggression and arrogance. He asserted that Israel's actions would only strengthen the Palestinian people's resolve to resist and defend their lives and their holy sites against the Israeli occupation and colonialism.

He stressed that Jordan, under the Hashemite leadership and its historical guardianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, will continue to stand by the Palestinian people, regardless of the cost and sacrifices involved.

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