Jordan 5th among Arab countries for scientific publications — ARCIF

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(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Jordan ranked fifth among Arab countries in terms of number of published scientific journals that passed the standards of the Arab Citation and Impact Factor (ARCIF) for the year 2021, which evaluates 27 Arab, European, and Asian countries where scientific journals are published in the Arabic language, Ad-Dustour Daily reported. اضافة اعلان

In ARCIF’s annual report for the year 2021, Jordan achieved this ranking by publishing in 32 scientific journals. Algeria ranked first with 370 journals, followed by Egypt with 234 journals, Iraq with 150 journals, and Saudi Arabia with 61 journals.

In terms of the number of Jordanian authors whose scientific and academic works have been cited, Jordan came in fourth place with 3,313 authors, the report added. 

The ARCIF scientific teams reviewed the data of 229,500 Arab authors within 623,000 scientific articles and concluded that 44,800 Arab authors were cited for their scientific and academic works in 2021.

Meanwhile, in an evaluation of the 167 journals focusing on economic and financial sciences and business administration, Jordan ranked with its “Jordanian Journal of Business Administration”, followed by Palestine, Algeria, and Egypt.

In terms of scientific bodies and institutions, which totaled 928 institutions, Yarmouk University had the third highest number of citations (3,329), followed by the University of Jordan with 2,942 citations. Al-Balqa Applied University came in sixth.

Since its launch, ARCIF has contributed to showcasing Arab scientific works as globally recognized products, especially in light of the credibility and accurate scientific standards on which Arab academia is based, in line with similar international standards.

Established in 2013, ARCIF issues annual reports. It serves as a methodological tool for measuring and comparing research and scientific journals in terms of their fields of knowledge and relative scientific impact. It uses strict equations based on international standards to evaluate these journals.

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