Jordan Cinema Academy: A New Chapter for Jordanian Filmmaking and Regional Competitiveness

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Jordan Cinema Academy: A New Chapter for Jordanian Filmmaking and Regional Competitiveness

By:Israa Radatdeh


On October 22, 2024, the Jordanian film industry marked a significant milestone with the official inauguration of the Jordan Cinema Academy (JCA) at the German Jordanian University in Amman. The Academy, launched by Princess Rym Ali, a prominent figure in Jordan’s cultural sphere and a member of the Executive Board of Commissioners at the Royal Film Commission (RFC), is the result of a collaborative effort between the RFC and the German Jordanian University (GJU). This initiative represents a major step forward in strengthening the country's film landscape and fostering local talent.

اضافة اعلان

While representatives attended this ceremony from Jordan’s film industry and a diverse range of regional and international stakeholders, the significance of the Jordan Cinema Academy extends far beyond the event itself.

This launch marks a major step in Jordan's long-standing efforts to build a sustainable, competitive film industry, capable of rivaling its regional counterparts. In an industry where Egypt and the Gulf states have traditionally dominated the cinematic landscape, Jordan is strategically positioning itself to become a major player in the Middle East's rapidly evolving film scene.

Jordan’s Cinematic Journey: From Backdrop to Storyteller

Jordan has long been known as an attractive destination for international film productions, with iconic landscapes serving as the backdrop for global blockbusters like Lawrence of Arabia, Indiana Jones, and more recently, Dune. However, despite its natural assets and cinematic history, Jordanian filmmakers have often struggled to gain the same level of visibility or investment in their own stories. For decades, Jordan's film industry lacked the infrastructure and systematic support needed to foster local talent and push forward original, homegrown content.

The establishment of the Jordan Cinema Academy is a direct response to this gap. It is not just about educating the next generation of filmmakers, but about creating the conditions that will allow Jordanian cinema to flourish on the world stage. As RFC Managing Director Mohannad Al-Bakri stated during the opening, the Academy is “the realization of a long-awaited dream.” This dream, nurtured by visionaries like HRH Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein and HRH Princess Rym Ali, seeks to empower a new generation of Jordanian filmmakers, armed with the skills and creativity necessary to tell their own stories and shape their own narratives.

The Role of the Royal Film Commission and the Importance of Sustaining Momentum

Since its establishment in 2003, the Royal Film Commission has been instrumental in promoting and developing Jordan’s audio-visual industry. Through initiatives like the Jordan Cinema Academy, the RFC has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering local talent, providing filmmakers with access to training, funding, and international exposure. The RFC has also played a pivotal role in positioning Jordan as a regional hub for film production, leveraging the country's cinematic heritage and its ability to attract international productions to help fuel local industry growth.

However, the sustainability of Jordan’s burgeoning film industry will depend on more than just the creation of educational institutions like the JCA. For the Academy to have a lasting impact, it will require continuous support from both public and private sectors. As Jordan moves toward establishing itself as a regional competitor, several critical factors must be addressed.

One of the most important factors is long-term investment in infrastructure. While the Academy itself is a vital foundation, it needs to be complemented by modern production and post-production facilities. Filmmakers must have access to cutting-edge resources; without them, even the most talented individuals will face challenges in bringing their creative visions to life.

Moreover, ongoing support for graduates is essential. The Academy will equip students with the necessary technical and creative skills, but their transition into the professional world requires additional opportunities. Graduates must have access to internships, mentorships, and grants that provide pathways to industry experience. This support will help retain talented individuals in Jordan, preventing a potential "brain drain" to more established film markets in the region.

Government policy and industry incentives also play a crucial role in the future of Jordanian cinema. The Jordanian government and the Royal Film Commission must continue to collaborate closely to offer incentives for both local and international productions. Programs such as tax breaks, funding opportunities, and initiatives like the Jordan Film Fund can attract filmmakers to base their projects in Jordan, thus creating jobs and expanding the local industry.

While public engagement and cultural support are vital for the growth of a thriving film industry. Filmmaking is not just about the professionals behind the scenes—it is also about the audiences. To build a strong film culture in Jordan, it is essential to engage the public with locally produced films and encourage an appreciation for Jordanian stories. Regular screenings, film festivals, and educational programs will help foster a national audience that actively supports and values its filmmakers.

Competing in the Middle Eastern Film Landscape

The launch of the Jordan Cinema Academy also raises an important question: how can Jordan position itself as a leader in the Middle Eastern film industry, which is becoming increasingly competitive?

In recent years, other countries in the region, particularly Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, have made significant strides in their film industries. Egypt remains the heart of Arabic-language cinema, with a deep-rooted cinematic history and a large pool of actors, directors, and technicians. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has been rapidly expanding its film sector, with initiatives like the Red Sea Film Festival bringing international attention to its emerging talent and cinematic potential. The UAE, with its Dubai International Film Festival and strong financial backing, continues to be a hub for both regional and international productions.

In this context, Jordan needs to carve out a unique niche for itself. One of its key advantages lies in the diversity of its landscapes, which has made it an appealing location for international productions. Nevertheless, to truly stand out, Jordanian filmmakers need to focus on developing strong, authentic narratives that reflect the country’s unique cultural, historical, and social experiences.


The Jordan Cinema Academy, with its diverse curriculum designed by Jordanian and Arab experts, will be instrumental in this regard. By offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, the Academy is helping to cultivate a generation of filmmakers who are not only technically proficient but also creatively ambitious. This blend of technical mastery and creative storytelling will be essential if Jordanian filmmakers are to compete on the global stage.

The Focus of the Academy: What Should Be Taught

The curriculum at the Jordan Cinema Academy needs to extend beyond the fundamentals of filmmaking to address the rapidly evolving nature of the industry, where technology and storytelling methods are constantly advancing. To stay relevant and forward-thinking, the Academy should focus on several key areas.

First, digital innovation and new media are critical. With the rise of streaming platforms and digital distribution, it is essential for filmmakers to be proficient in the latest technologies and trends. The Academy should offer courses in digital cinematography, virtual production, and the integration of artificial intelligence in post-production. These skills will equip students to compete in the modern media landscape and adapt to future technological shifts.

Storytelling and scriptwriting, at the heart of filmmaking, must also be a priority. The Academy should place a strong emphasis on developing compelling narratives that resonate with both local and global audiences. Jordanian filmmakers have the unique opportunity to tell stories rooted in their culture, which can appeal to Middle Eastern viewers as well as international markets. Scriptwriting courses will help students master the art of storytelling, an essential component of any successful film.

In addition, co-productions and international collaborations are vital for Jordan’s positioning in the global film industry. Given Jordan’s strategic location and its existing connections with international film sectors, the Academy should foster an environment that encourages cross-border collaborations. Students should learn how to navigate international co-productions, from securing funding to managing diverse, multicultural film crews, which will prepare them for working on large-scale, global projects.

Finally, the Academy should offer comprehensive training in film marketing and distribution. Producing a film is only one part of the equation; ensuring that it reaches audiences is equally important. Courses focused on film marketing strategies, navigating film festivals, and understanding distribution channels will be essential in helping Jordanian films gain visibility and success both locally and internationally. These skills will ensure that students are well rounded and capable of bringing their films to the widest possible audience.

A New Era for Jordanian Cinema

The opening of the Jordan Cinema Academy is a promising step towards establishing Jordan as a major force in the Middle Eastern film industry. By investing in its young filmmakers and providing them with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to succeed, Jordan is not just creating a school—it is cultivating an industry. With the support of institutions like the Royal Film Commission, the German Jordanian University, and other key stakeholders, the future of Jordanian cinema looks bright.

As the Academy’s first intake of students embarks on their journey, there is a sense of optimism and excitement about what lies ahead. With the right combination of talent, training, and support, Jordanian filmmakers are poised to take their place on the global stage, telling the stories that matter to them and their communities. In addition, in doing so, they will contribute to a thriving, vibrant, and sustainable film industry that can compete with the best in the region.