Jordan Georgia cooperation focuses on restoring various archaeological sites

Acting director general of the Department of Antiquities, Ahmad Al-Shami, and Georgian Ambassador to Amman, Zaza Kandelaki, on Sunday discussed importance of cooperation between Jordan and Georgia to restore archaeological sites (Photo-Petra)
AMMAN— Restoration and documentation work on various archaeological sites in the country by a joint Jordanian-Georgian team will begin soon after technical and logistical arrangements have been made, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.اضافة اعلان

Cooperation between Georgia and Jordan in protecting and restoring various archaeological sites, was discussed Monday between the director general of the Department of Antiquities, Hisham Al-Abdi, and the Georgian Ambassador, Zaza Kandelaki.

They discussed ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries and to activate the memo signed in 2019 between the department and the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation in Georgia.

Abadi said that the department will be working with the Georgian side to provide all the needed expertise and technical support for the project to develop the site of the "Georgian monastery" in the Shehan area in Karak.

Ambassador Kandelaki for his part expressed his pleasure at the ongoing cooperation with the department, as his visit was to advance the work between the two sides. He said the coordination meetings had already been held between the department and the embassy and it was expected that work will begin soon after all the technical and logistical arrangements have been made.

At the end of the meeting, both sides agreed to follow up and coordinate with each other regarding the implementation of the memorandum of understanding between the two countries which includes the exchange of technical and scientific expertise in the field of archaeology, maintenance, restoration and documentation which will be carried out by the joint team at the Georgian monastery site in the Shehan area in Karak, and at Wadi Mujib.

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