Jordan, Italy collaborate to advance agricultural heritage in Quweira

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(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — A new training program targeting young men and women has been launched in Quweira, Jordan, as part of a larger project to boost employment and entrepreneurship in several governorates in the country.اضافة اعلان

The program seeks to promote cultural, agricultural, and tourism heritage as a means of creating new opportunities in Mafraq, Maan, and Aqaba, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

Program partners The training program is conducted by Methods for Irrigation and Agriculture (MIRRA) with the Italian Association of Volunteers in International Service and the National Center for Agricultural Research.

The initiative is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, which supports development projects around the world.

Training youthThe program's theoretical and practical components focus on the agricultural and water sectors, with 25 young men and women from the town of Quweira receiving instruction on the fundamentals of agricultural operations, public safety, and contemporary farming and irrigation techniques.

An agricultural house was also built in Quweira to provide a space for the town's citizens to operate, produce, and market their products.

National visionMIRRA director Samer Talozi emphasized the program's significance in a statement on Thursday. The training initiative aligns with the national vision for ensuring food security, reducing unemployment rates, limiting desertification, and making the best use of water by using irrigation techniques that do not waste water or deplete limited water supplies.

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