Jordan, Tunisia to enhance tourism cooperation

Tourists near a hot water spring in the historic city of Ma'in, known for its mineral water and ancient therapeutic spas. (Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Jordan and Tunisia are keen to enhance tourism cooperation, reflecting the level of their “distinguished” political relations, Tunisian Minister of Tourism Mohamed Belhassine said, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Speaking to representatives of the Jordanian press and travel and tourism agents, in the presence of a number of the Tunisian tourism sector leaders, Belhassine said the two countries seek to overcome obstacles that could impede development in the important and vital sector, Petra said.

Both countries also aim to benefit from the “distinguished” Jordanian expertise in the tourism sector and harness their tourism, historical and religious heritage to promote and expand joint tourist activity, he told the Jordanian delegation, while touring his country’s tourist attractions, he added, according to Petra.

It said Belhassine pointed out that he hoped more Tunisian tourists will visit Jordan next year, similar to 2019, when 7,000 Tunisians visited the Kingdom.

Fields of joint tourism cooperation are “remarkable,” he said, adding that virtual and in-person meetings were held with the Jordanian Minister of Tourism recently to enhance cooperation areas between the two countries and achieve higher tourism exchange.

Tunisia and Jordan have similarities, primarily the reliance on the human asset, which provides prosperous opportunities for the two countries, he said. He referred to Tunisia’s circumstantial difficulties and problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other internal developments that affected the tourist sector’s recovery.

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