Jordan bulwark for regional peace and stability — US commander

Michael Kurilla
US Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Michael Kurilla. (Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — US Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Michael Kurilla said Jordan is a reliable strategic partner and a bulwark for regional peace and stability, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

In an interview with Petra on Monday, Kurilla highlighted the strategic importance of the Jordanian Armed Forces–Arab Army (JAF), which was made clear during the battle against Daesh.

Asked about Jordan’s contributions to regional peace and stability, he said the Kingdom, under His Majesty King Abdullah’s leadership, leads the way for security and stability in the region and that JAF is among CENTCOM’s strongest, most committed and most reliable partners.

In a meeting with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, Kurilla said: “Ours is a relationship built on trust. This is a benefit to the region.”

He commended JAF for its professionalism, competency, discipline, and tactical proficiency.

On military cooperation with Jordan, the US commander said that the “ongoing military-to-military partnership with the JAF is paramount to defending our mutual interests, providing a golden opportunity to strengthen relationships and trust between nations.”

“We train, fight, and collaborate on all fronts,” he said.

He underlined the significant role of the Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference, hosted by the Kingdom two weeks ago, in strengthening the partnership between Jordan and US special operations forces, and offering another opportunity to engage with our partners to advance regional security.

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