Jordan has enough wheat to last 13 months, barley for 11 months

5. Wheat (Pixabay)
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Jordan’s wheat stock is sufficient to cover the local need for about 13 months, but the government is working to raise it to 15 months, Minister of Agriculture Khaled Al-Hneifat said, according to Amman Net.اضافة اعلان

Hneifat said raising the wheat stock is an effort undertaken by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply. He said the quantity of stored wheat is “the highest stock” of its kind in the Arab world.

He said Jordan has adequate stock of barley, enough to last it 11 months.

He explained that the cost of storing 1 tonne of wheat in horizontal containers stands at JD1.20, compared with JD13 stored in vertical stands.

Hneifat explained that the horizontal containers allowed Jordan to store huge amounts of wheat during the coronavirus pandemic and prior to the Russian-Ukraine crisis, the latter having caused a dramatic rise in wheat prices globally.

The minister maintained that Jordan imports the bulk, or 85 percent, of its wheat from Romania.

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