Jordan marks first centenary today

A vendor carries the picture of His Majesty King Abdullah, His Majesty the late King Hussein and HRH Crown Prince Hussein in downtown Amman, as the country marks its 100th anniversary (Photo: JNews)

A vendor carries the picture of His Majesty King Abdullah, His Majesty the late King Hussein and HRH Crown Prince Hussein in downtown Amman, as the country marks its 100th anniversary (Photo: JNews)
AMMAN — Jordan celebrates its centenary on Sunday, marked by a public holiday. The majority of the festivities, however, are slated to take place in May due to the public health impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.اضافة اعلان

The government in February announced a year-long national plan for the Kingdom’s celebrations of its first centenary, highlighting the Kingdom’s achievements over the first century since its independence.

The five-point agenda includes festivities, events, and 30 cultural and community projects to be held and launched across the Kingdom.

Celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Jordanian state is a national and historical occasion that is dear to all Jordanians. It expresses the nation’s glory, the wisdom of its leadership, and the giving of its people, officials have said.

Celebrating the national watershed is a historic opportunity to “continue working for the future, strengthening the will to continue achievement, upholding the values of leadership and creativity, and paying tribute to the heroics of the forefathers”, a government statement said.

Announcing the plan from the Parliamentary Life Museum, an official noted, holds a unique historical and national value given the fact that the place saw the independence of Jordan declared by the late King Abdullah I, founder of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The celebrations will serve as an opportunity to promote Jordan’s cultural and touristic attractions, the statement said, noting that “strong” media content will be produced to foster a “fair historical narrative” about the Kingdom and promote the national identity.

The plan’s five main themes include highlighting iconic, historically important buildings; major celebrations; community and cultural events and sustainable programs and projects; national future plans; and the launch of projects marking the centenary.

Furthermore, the plan will see the launch of a project to document and archive more than 200 public and private entities that played key roles in the country’s development.

Additionally, the plan includes organizing 10 scientific conferences that will address research about Jordan in its first 100 years in a host of areas. The Ministry of Culture will also launch the “Watheq” (document) platform to collect and take copies of historical documents in private collections.

Moreover, the plan entails the introduction of the “Jordanian Encyclopedia”, which will include data and resources covering the various aspects of life in Jordan, in addition to three series: “Jordanian Institutions”, “Jordan in 100 Years”, and “Key Public Figures and Biographies”.

A set of programs to enrich the national cultural content are scheduled, including the production of a series of visual content that narrates the march of the state and Jordanian society, in addition to a series of historical documentaries, which will be available on the internet.

A National Photographic Registry will also be launched, the statement said. Content created and compiled for the centenary will also be translated into foreign languages.

Finally, given the importance of oral heritage in building the national narrative, the plan includes the launch of an “ambitious” project to collect Jordanian oral heritage and history, the statement added.