Jordan offers condolences over Philippine typhoon victims

This photo taken on December 18, 2021 and received on December 19 from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) shows a resident drying her clothes on the ruins of a home in Del Carmen town in Surigao del Norte province, days after Super Typhoon Rai devastated the province. (Photo:Handout / Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) / AFP)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on Sunday extended Jordan's heartfelt condolences to the Republic of the Philippines over the victims of Typhoon Rai that hit the country's southern regions, killing and inuring dozens of people, and causing heavy property damage, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

In a statement, Ministry spokesman Haitham Abu Al-Foul voiced the Kingdom’s solidarity with the government and people of Philippines, wishing the injured a speedy recovery.

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