Jordan receives 71.8 percent of annual average precipitation

5. Companies considering investing in Al Karama Dam -IW
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The prevailing rainy weather conditions have raised the Kingdom’s precipitation to 71.8 percent of its annual average of 8.1 billion cubic meters, and 90.3 percent of total rainfall witnessed last year, the Jordan News Agency, Petra. اضافة اعلان

In a statement on Thursday, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation said that the highest rainfall, at 24mm, was recorded in Karak.

Meanwhile, the storage of the Kingdom’s dams has reached 113.5 million cubic meters (mcm), or 40.5 percent of their total 280.7mcm capacity.

During the 24-hour period between Wednesday and Thursday morning, 9mcm were channeled into Jordan’s dams, with the greatest volume received by King Talal Dam at 4mcm and Wala Dam at 2.5mcm. 

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