Jordan reports COVID-19 cases, monitors dominant variant

(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Secretary-General of Epidemiological Affairs in the Ministry of Health Dr. Raed Al-Shboul confirmed the registration of several cases of COVID-19 in the past few weeks. The ministry is preparing to conduct genetic surveillance to identify the prevalent variant in the kingdom as a precautionary measure, Khaberni reported. اضافة اعلان

In his radio statements on Hala Radio, Shboul mentioned the presence of the GN1 variant, a category within the "Omicron" strain, known for its rapid spread without causing hospitalization, emphasizing that COVID-19 has become a seasonal flu, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Furthermore, Shboul explained that cases of the respiratory virus affecting children have been recorded, but in lower numbers than last year, adding that according to the monitoring system at the Ministry, focusing on some seasonal diseases like influenza, there is no increase in diagnosed cases. However, the most prevalent cases in the kingdom currently are influenza A and the known H3N2 strain.

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