Jordan's, Luxembourg's foreign ministers talk Gaza

Jordan's, Luxembourg's foreign ministers talk Gaza
Luxembourg - Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel Tuesday discussed regional developments and ceasefire efforts in Gaza.اضافة اعلان

In a press conference after the meeting in Luxembourg, Safadi said, "Today we continued our talks about our bilateral relations and the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, which continues to claim lives, undermine international law and commit war crimes against the Palestinian people."

He added, "We want this war to end, and we want peace for the region, ensuring the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state, living in security and peace alongside Israel."

Safadi added, "Jordan is a country of peace and is always working to achieve it, and the only path to peace is the two-state solution, which embodies the independent, sovereign Palestinian state along the lines of June 4, 1967, with occupied East Jerusalem as its capital."

He added, "The challenge we face is the lack of an Israeli partner for peace, and the current Israeli government is working to undermine the two-state solution."

Safadi said, "Our priority is to stop the aggression against Gaza. More than 39,000 Palestinians have been killed, and just two days ago Israel committed a massacre against innocent Palestinian children in an area it had declared safe. Everyone knows that there is no safe place in Gaza anymore."

He added, "Israel is escaping punishment because the international community has failed to hold it accountable, to implement international law, international humanitarian law, the United Nations Charter, humanitarian values and to stop the killing of innocents."

Safadi added, "We are working with our partners to address the humanitarian catastrophe that the Palestinians are suffering in Gaza because Israel does not allow aid to enter, does not allow United Nations organisations to deliver it and uses starvation as a weapon."

He added, "The victims of this aggression are not only the Palestinians but also the credibility of international law."

On the refugee crisis, Safadi said, "Asylum is a global challenge, and therefore it is a global responsibility, which does not fall on the responsibility of the host countries alone."

Safadi discussed the support of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) for the Palestinians in Gaza.

He said, "UNRWA is indispensable, and it is the only agency that has the knowledge, experience and ability to help the starving Palestinians in Gaza and provide hope for the children of Gaza."

Bettel praised Jordan for hosting refugees, providing vital services to them and the Kingdom's regional role.

He discussed the Jordan and Luxembourg partnership as part of the EU's wider partnership with the Kingdom and the fifteenth meeting of the Association Council between Jordan and the EU that concluded in Brussels on Monday.

Bettel urged a ceasefire in Gaza and the implementation of a two-state solution.

Separately, Safadi discussed ties with the Speaker of the House of Representatives in Luxembourg, Claude Fieseler, and the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Justi Grass.

The meeting discussed regional developments and the ceasefire efforts in Gaza.

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